Tip of the Day

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Train-Test split

Train/Test Split and Cross Validation in Python

Hi everyone! After my last post on linear regression in Python, I thought it would only be natural to write a post about Train/Test Split and Cross Validation. As usual, I am going to give a short overview on the topic and then give an example on implementing it in Python. These are two rather important concepts in data science and data analysis and are used as tools to prevent (or at least minimize) overfitting. I’ll explain what that is — when we’re using a statistical model (like linear regression, for example), we usually fit the model on a training set in order to make predications on a data that wasn’t trained (general data). Overfitting means that what we’ve fit the model too much to the training data. It will all make sense pretty soon, I promise!

What is Overfitting/Underfitting a Model?

As mentioned, in statistics and machine learning we usually split our data into to subsets: training data and testing data (and sometimes to three: train, validate and test), and fit our model on the train data, in order to make predictions on the test data. When we do that, one of two thing might happen: we overfit our model or we underfit our model. We don’t want any of these things to happen, because they affect the predictability of our model — we might be using a model that has lower accuracy and/or is ungeneralized (meaning you can’t generalize your predictions on other data). Let’s see what under and overfitting actually mean:

Himanshu Rai

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